vendredi 17 août 2007

Malysia 07 - Duplication

Ben, on his blog with Kro, is doing pretty well in telling the world about our big trip in Malaysia. You can read it with all the details here :

This is a very good summary of all the things we done there, the people we met, the things we saw. There are many details and other little piece of words that have marked those holidays. No need so, to do the same, with my poor English vocabulary on top of that.

However I will continue my sum up of our holidays. In English, with my style. But I will try to do it a little bit different, not adding things after the other, telling you what we saw and what we do. I will try to write the feelings we had there, the spirit of the trip, the people we met. All the things more spiritual than factual maybe. The exercise is not so easy, especially in the Shakespeare language. But I will try to do my best and make you enjoy what I can say was the biggest trip of my life.


5 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Merci pour la pub ! J ai le temps de raconter, je suis (encore) en vacances !!

Anonyme a dit…

Ca vient de moi ou le lien ne marche pas???

Nutz a dit…

C'est le point de fin de phrase qui est compris dans le lien ...

Anonyme a dit…

Bien joué Callaghan !

Mathieu a dit…

c'est corrigé.

Et sinon le résumé de ben est vraiment vraiment bien.